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We Need to Talk
About Bevan

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The Dressing Up (Ballot) Box

Politicians seemingly love to dress up for every job except the one that they currently occupy.

I Warn You

Regardless of who is selected by the Tory Party to be Prime Minister on Monday, I warn you. I warn you that you will feel exhaustion –...

Ain't No Party Like a [REDACTED] Party

Is your local MP ashamed of their party (and given recent events can you blame them)? Do they wear their party affiliation loud and proud...

Why Don't You Overthrow 'em, Valery?

You may have denounced the Soviet Union as a Degenerated Workers State (other criticisms of a less Fourth International flavour are...

Heart of Ochs

Phil Ochs was a union troubadour of rare grace & skill. The words 'American folk singer' may strike terror into the hearts of many but to...

Grey’s Anatomy of a Strike

An exploration into Grey's Anatomy strike episode and how Dr. George O’Malley is a union guy.

No Warhammer but Class Warhammer

Strategic manoeuvres, indecipherable tomes, and a healthy dose of chance. The worlds of politics and tabletop gaming have significant...

Statutory Limitations

A figure of Edward Colston has been dropped into Bristol Harbour but the figure of Edward Colston had already been plunged into murky depths

How Green New Deal is My Valley?

This post for ‘We Need to Talk About Bevan’ was written in part with the dulcet sound of water lapping at its foundations...

In Place of Hate

“That is why no amount of cajolery, and no attempts at ethical or social seduction, can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred..."

Marx My Words…

The first thing the average socialist of a certain type do (and to maul a phrase by Sir Humphrey – I‘m a very average socialist)

Baggage for Life

Pay by card? Promotional item? Who is more deserving: a hospice, a youth group, or those with a long term medical condition? Pick now...

The Start was Nye…

I remember the first time I heard the name Bevan. My younger brother was in hospital again and I was wondering how the hell we were going t

Why We Need To Talk About Bevan…

“This is my truth, tell me yours.” Thus spoke Bevan. This is a blog which will be looking at issues from a Bevanite perspective.

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